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Detail Company Introduction
Shanghai UFo Compressor & System Co.,Ltd is Chinese earliest high pressure breathing air compressor manufacturer,former factory who produces crankshafts and piston rings for over 30 years. UFo 20~30Mpa high pressure breathing air compressor is widely used for scuba diving & firefighting breathing,coal mine safety, paintball, aquaculture,vessel or pipe pressure test etc. UFo is experienced to make high pressure CNG compressor,mini CNG compressor for home and car applications, stationary compressor for CNG station. We worked over years to make them 100% safe and as reliable as air compressor. UFo medium & high pressure industrial air compressors(3~35Mpa) have wider applications, PET bottle-blowing,pressure test,air tight test,pipe and vessel test,shipbuilding, manufacturing industry,petro-chemical etc. We pay great attention to users’ special requirements, and offer standard and custom configurations for a wide variety of stationary and portable installations. we guarantee each UFo compressor safe,reliable,and will be always responsible for continual running of each UFo compressor. Our experienced technicians will respond in one working day for any questions for installation,operation,spares etc. Trust UFo compressors,we will provide you a low-cost but reliable and safe compressor system solutions.