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Detail Company Introduction
Termotexnicheskie ustanovki sushilki industrial'nie pechi ledovie katki
Idrocalor s.r.l termotexnicheskie ustanovki 35030 PD Saccolongo Italy
Proyektiruyem i proizvodim gazovie, elektricheskie i mikrovolnovie termotehnicheskiye ustanovki, sushilki i industrial'nie pechi v staticheskoj i tunnel'noi versii po zakazu klienta. 30 let opita raboti v dannom sektore.
Kommercheskij menedzher: Rena Shakhlamazova
tel. 39 349.1969512 (russkij-anglijskij-ital''anskij)
faks 39 049.8015340
We are an ETO ( Engineering to the Order) Company, we design and produce for 30 years industrial ovens / furnaces( chambers or process ovens ) for hundred of different applications with a range of temperature up to 450 °C.
Commercial Responsable: Rena Shakhlamazova
tel. +39 349.1969512 (rus-eng-ita)
fax +39 049.8015340