Product description: The specification standards for electric vehicle charging cables are mainly formulated based on the GB/T 33594-2017 specification. Products are produced in the domestic electric vehicle cable application standard.
Among them, the standard specifies the use characteristics, representation methods, technical requirements, markings, test methods and requirements, inspection rules, and cable packaging, transportation and storage for electric vehicle charging cables. Applicable to charging cables with rated voltages of AC 450/750 V and below and DC 1.0 kV and below for electric vehicle conductive charging connection devices (may include signal or control cores).
In addition, some other related technical specifications such as QC/T 1200-2023 "Cable assemblies for conductive charging of electric vehicles with chargers" are also involved. These specifications together constitute a complete standard system for electric vehicle charging cables. For a deeper understanding of the standardization information of electric vehicle cable products. Please visit: https:/