Sorbic acid
Supplier: Lubon Industry Co., Ltd
CAS No.: 110-44-1
Application- The extent of use and dosage for reference of sorbic acid and potassium sorbate, the first choice of food preservatives worldwide.
Soy sauce,mermalage,man-made cream,gelose soft sweets 0.1-1.0
Low-salt preserved vegetables insoy,noodles,candied fruit hawcake,fruit taste juice,tinned food 0.1-0.5
Fruit juice,fruit drink,grape wine,fruit wine 0.1-0.6
Carbonated wine,soda water 0.05-0.2
Dried fish products,drinks of soy bean and milk,food of soy bean 0.1-1.0
Cake stuffing,lactobacillin drink 0.1-1.0
Tobacco 0.6-2
Cosm etics & toothpaste 0.6-2
Forage 0.4-1.5
1.Dosage is calculated on the basis of sorbic acid
2.For concenttrated fruit juice dosage mustn's exceed 2.0
Exceptional Colour- By applying advanced technology and proper procedures specially for the production of sorlbic acid and potassium sorbate, our products appear pure white and enjoy good stability of color, which are quite different from those with a bit yellow and poor stability of color made by traditional way of processing at present.
Quality- It meets GB 1905-2000, GB 13736-92 set by China, FCCIV set by USA and E200/E202 set by the EU.
Standard FCCIV/E200
Item Standard (FCCIV)
Characteristics Colourless crystals or a white crystalline powder
Assay (C6H802) 99.0-101.0%
Water ≤0.5%
Heavy Metals (as Pb) ≤10ppm
Melting Range 132-135°C
Residue on Ignition ≤0.2%
Arsenic (as AS) ≤2ppm