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Asphalt concrete pavement using either SMA or Superpave pavement technology, both on the aggregate grain shape, made to a very high grading requirements, particularly in basalt gravel flakiness content, the previous crusher to be processed technology can not meet the requirements, and I can well meet the company introduced a requirement to road VSI series vertical impact crusher for crushing and shaping latest crushing and screening process by the process of the production of the material in the numerous physical bone l freeway SMA pavement widely used.
Gravel production line process characteristics
1 gravel production line product quality and price excellent flakiness content of less than 5%. Adopt a European diabase mine broken jaw, back-breaking technology, its products flakiness content of more than 10%, resulting in poor product sales, with the VIS series vertical impact crusher for technological transformation, the product reduced flakiness content 4.7%.
2 gravel production line with crusher alone as the final step of the process line compared to the crushing, production increased by 50%.
3 gravel production line due to crusher used as secondary crusher, and vertical impact crusher rare metals consumption, so the whole process, the consumption of wearing parts has reduced significantly.
Reference: www.shunky.com, www.posuijis.com, www.cnzhishaji.com, www.eshiposuiji.biz, www.cnespsj.com, www.yzpsj.cn, www.cnydpsz.com, www.zhishascx.com, www.ydpsz.cn, www.sqzds.com, www.cnzhendongshai.com, www.cnsuishiji.com, www.sqfanjipo.com, www.suishiscx.com, www.yeyayzp.com, www.shsqjx.com, www. cnpsj.net, www.chinazds.net, www.chinazsj.net, www.chinassj.net, www.cnfjpsj.com, www.espsjcn.com, www.bestsuishiji.com, www.bestzsj.com, www.yzpsjcn. com, www.shunkycn.com,