Basic Company Information
TEL : 061-0651-21209 / FAX : 061-0651-21287
JL. K.H.A. DAHLAN NO. 103-105 BANDA ACEH ACEH Indonesia [ID]
Company Advantage
Detail Company Introduction
ZONA BIKES was established to serve you better. We take care of every customer like they were a member of our
family. From the beginning, our top priority was to provide unmatched customer care and to help our customers
understand how technology could help them. We've always invited intelligent, courteous men and women to staff our
call center; to answer your questions, make recommendations and deliver solutions. We stock our web site with the
latest products, the best deals---and plenty of information to help you decide for yourself. We are proud of each
and every member of our staff, because they make the difference.
Just because we offer the industry's lowest prices doesn't mean we skimp on service. In fact, it is because we take
care of our customers—and you continue to support us with your business—that we're able to use our buying power to
get you the best deals.
So when you call us or log onto our web site, you're doing business with a company that is enthusiastic about sport
product, and about matching our customers with the items that they need. And we intend to continue serving you Every day.