Basic Company Information
TEL : 86-755-25857014 / FAX : 86-755-25857535
Company Advantage
Detail Company Introduction
op Pearl was established twenty one years ago in Hong Kong when clients such as yourself desired prompt and efficient service from China, like that received from the United States and other countries.
You as our customer want to be able to trust your suppliers and know that you are dealing with a competent group. Advance planning, assurance of superior performance and product, having all involved parties keep their word, shipments departing and arriving on time, is absolutely necessary, so our answer to you was to select a unique staff and provide them with step by step specialised training.
Our Director's 40 years experience with all aspects of garlic, including, farming, harvesting, storing, packing, shipping, as well as plant breeding .... provides our staff with the most comprehensive training available in the world ...thus allowing us to give you incomparable service.
We selected University graduates who were at the top of their class, who understand languages and provide proper interpretations for ease with business transactions.
Top Pearl's Team are experts at what they do, and we confidently call ourselves the "Dream Team". So let our "Dream Team", serve you.