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The All-in-one mixer amplifier-SX-168 provides almost all funtions for a small-scale Public Address System. This system provides dual channel operation (BGM and call) and single channel operation. It has in-built CD player, FM/AM tuner, 240W mixer amplifier and MP3 player, has one MIC input, one Aux line input, one Emergency input and one remote MIC console input. Besides, it has a programable timer for automatically BGM broadcasting. Manual operation of BGM broadcasting is also availble through the buttions in front panel. Three levels of priority are available for music, microphone, remote MIC console.
It also provides Volume control for BGM or EMC output, Aux input, MIC input and output of each zone seperately. Tone control and mute depth control are also available. Five buttons in the front panel are used to route BGM or Emergency signal to selected zones. The remote MIC console provides zone selection for announcements. The unit has an emergency input with VOX. When an Emergency audio or announcements from remote MIC console is detected it automatically overrules BGM for the selected zones.
Minimum reqquirements:
* BSPH All-in-one system mixer amplifier SX-168
* BSPH remote MIC console.
* Loudspeakers
Channel selection:
* The inbuit amplifier provides a single channel configuration-the background music mutes during a call.
* One additional amplifier for Emergency provides a dual channel configuration-background music is uninterrupted in non-selected zones.
* Audio sources inbuilt: CD player, MP3 player and FM/AM tuner.
* Auto broadcasting of BGM
* Emergency input with VOX
* Amplifier inbuilt (240W), drive speaker directly.
* Expanable zone amount. Up to 20 zone. (extension amplifier SX-168F: 240W, 5 zone)
* Dual channel for BGM and EMC
* Separate volume control for each zone.
* Single or 5 zones output for choice