The most representative bag of the dior family, each of which is exquisite and advanced. It is said to be named after Princess Diana. There are many colors to choose from, and there are three, four, five, and seven compartments.
Lady Dior was first born in September 1995, but it was not yet called that name at that time. When Princess Diana attended the "Cezanne Exhibition" in France, the former French President's wife Bernadette Chirac gave Princess Diana a new Dior handbag. Princess Diana liked this handbag very much, so she immediately ordered all versions.
After obtaining the consent of Princess Diana, Mr. Dior used the word "Lady" in the name "Lady Diana" that the outside world has always called her, and named this bag "Lady Dior".
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We are replica shoes seller, we have our own factory, luxury world has been manufacturing 1:1 Top Quality shoes, Bags, give customers the experience of the real thing is that we pursue.
The luxury world factory focuses on the production of luxury world and high-quality popular styles on the market. The luxury world website provides high-quality replica shoes and bags with pure raw materials and perfect quality. Such as Louis vuitton shoes, Gucci shoes, Louis Vuitton bags, Gucci bags, Dior shoes, Dior bags.