Xingrui Underwater Cutting Lance has many uses in industry for both dry and wet applications. Typical usesinclude cutting steel bracing on offshore structures, pipelines, removing tap hole and pierce foundations, cuttngthrough concrete ingots, vessels, propellers and many different types of marine scraps. The lance will easily cutthrough the following materials:plain carbon & low alloyed steels, cast irons, stainless steels, non-ferrous metals,concrete, rock, rope, wood and marine risers.
Prepare to cut with power on, the lance should require no more than 150 amps at the tip,however, the lancewill also burn with no electric power, once ignited, as long as the oxygen flow is maintained,the lance burns atapproximately 6000C (10, 000F) a temperature that will melt most material easily. The principle of operation,having ignited the arc is to allow oxygen to flow down through the center of the lance. This creates and maintainsan exothermic reaction, which will continue to burn, with or without the power, until the oxygen flow is stopped.