We sell 100% Pure Refined Edible Oil with varieties; Refined Sunflower Oil, Refined Corn Oil, Refined Canola Oil, Refined Soybeans, Refined Coconut oil, Vegetable Oil, Olive Oil etc.The product has its smell and taste, free from rancidity or any strange taste or smell.Oil is clear, free from foreign matter, free from any foreign oil or animal fats and fit for human consumption. A. General Chemical Specifications1. %free fatty acids (ffa): Max 0.12. % ash (*): Max.0.053. Saponification value:190.32 koh/g. Of oil4. Iodine value:134.13 (wijs-hanus method)5. Peroxide:0.2 meq/KG. Of oil6. % soap:0.00057. % unsaponifiable matter: Max.0.128. Impurities: None9. % saturated fat(-ty acids):8-1210. % unsaturated fat(-ty acids):87-9111. Feeding energy:900kcal12. Iron : < 0.02 mg/lt13. Fatty acid composition :C14:0 :0.06 C16:0 :5.77 C18:0 :4.1 C18:1 :27.3C18:2 :59.2 C20:0 :0.27 C18:3 :0.25 B. Packaging:PET Bottles: 1, 2, 3 and 5 Liters each.Tin Cans: 4, 5, 10 and 18 Liters each.PE Jerry Can: 20 Liters each.Steel Drum: 210 Liters each.Flexi Tank (Flexi Bag): From 20 up to 22 Metric Tons each (Loading amount may vary within permission).