Batman is a fictional superhero character appearing on the DC Comics, authored by Bob Cairn and Bill Finch, whose debut debut was in Detective Comics. Originally known as "The Bat Man," and later with "Batman: The Dark Knight" [6], "The World's Greatest Detective and other titles, and became one of the cultural representatives of American comics, Batman has adapted TV and movies, and released a variety of toys and video games.The Batman Lapel Pins , made by GS-JJ , enamel pin maker.It is crafted by hard enamel , die struck with silver finish.The craft is very delicate. Each of Batman Lapel Pins are individually poly bagged and fixed by two rubber caps back.GS-JJ can provide many different lapel pins, including custom lapel pins at the lowest price.
Custom Pins Size: 1.65"
Thickness: 1.5 mm
Style: Custom hard enamel pins
Finish: Silver finish
Attachments: Rubber cap
Packaging: Individual Polybag Our product lines include: Custom Lapel Pins, Custom Lanyards, Custom Baseball Trading Pins, Custom Medals, Custom Belt Buckles, Custom Challenge Coins, Custom Ornaments, Custom Embroidered Patches, Custom Keychains, Silicon Wristband and MORE ...